
Election Day and Pre-Election Fight

After two long months of campaigning, PAN failed to win the mayoral elections in Xilitla, SLP this Sunday July 1st. Hundreds of people from Xilitla dedicated every day to the campaign, with hopes of ending a corrupt system and finally aiding those who are in desperate need. "Unfortunately, our work wasn't enough to fight against the corruption that exists," Moran remarked in his final speech before PAN supporters. These individuals fought hard - they gave everything they could offer without asking for anything in return. In the end, it wasn't enough to win over the power of money and the corruption that exists in Mexico. Residents have evidence of people buying votes for PRI and distributing resources to voters before elections. The resources given to residents was very little, but nevertheless guarantees PRI another 3 years in office. PAN supporters in need of medical and financial help will most likely remain in need throughout this 3-year term because they did not initially support PRI during the campaign. Residents are now organizing their evidence in hopes of finding support, but the odds are not in their favor.

After Moran's final speech on election day with PAN supporters.

Moran's wife Erica Piedfort-Moran with Xilitla residents after the elections.

Results toward the end of the PAN mayoral elections.

Residents talked about continuing to fight against the corruption by organizing their evidence.

Before elections, residents searched for cars containing despensas and money from PRI.

Road blocks were set up across the county to search cars before the elections. Despensas, money and PRI propaganda were found each day and removed from the vehicles.

PAN supporters chase cars suspected to contain despensas and other resources from PRI.

Residents used bats, knives and other household weapons for protection against inter-party conflict during overnight raids of "mapaches."

Bystander watches as the police search cars at a voting site.

This resident was attacked by a group of PRI supporters with rocks and machetes after the elections. He suffered from head trauma and is unable to remember the incident.

At this voting site, police officers searched PAN supporters' cars, but failed to search PRI supporters' cars.

Residents carried weapons to protect themselves for conflict between the two opposing parties.

Residents in search of "mapaches" overnight rest on the ground.

Election Day - Xilitla, SLP.

Voters' thumbs are marked so they cannot vote more than once.

Mexican ID's are marked after voting with "12" for the year 2012.

Workers tally number of voters in Xilitla.