
The people of Xilitla fighting against a corrupt government

All of the following information is based on communication
with people living here in Xilitla. I am not able to investigate all of this
information thoroughly with people from both parties; therefore,
it should not be viewed as an accusation of anyone in particular.
I want to share the information I have been given and the
things I am witnessing in Xilitla.

What is happening here in Xilitla is like a small war.
PAN supporters have essentially organized a small army of people
to work against the illegal efforts of PRI in the mayoral campaign.

PRI is supposedly paying the police, and the two main newspapers that
circulate in the region in order to gain their support and to ensure protection.
The information on my blog is not being publishes in the local newspapers.
Early this morning around 5:30am a group of "mapaches" found a truck with
bags of money, fake voting ballots and letters promising PRI votes with residents'
signatures. This truck is just one of many that are being found across the county
containing illegal voting materials, despensas and building resources. PRI is essentially
buying votes from residents, and PAN supporters are doing what they can to fight against the corruption. The people of Xilitla are tired of a corrupt government and have organized in a way that they can take control of the situation. Elections begin at 8am tomorrow morning and the "mapaches" are working throughout the night to stop the distribution of these illegal materials.

The following images are being used on Facebook against the PRI mayoral candidate and the current mayor.

Anti-PRI Facebook propaganda (anonymous)

Anti-PRI Facebook propaganda (anonymous)

Anti-PRI Facebook propaganda (anonymous)


Wednesday, June 27th was the last official day of the mayoral campaign in Xilitla. The same night, PAN supporters began organizing to prevent PRI from giving out food, money and building resources to residents. These resources are supposedly being distributed to sway votes before elections this Sunday July 1st. People across the county are setting up road blocks and searching vehicles to prevent the distribution of these resources. Mexican military and police are patrolling areas to prevent violence. Many residents are carrying guns and other weapons like bats and machetes for protection during confrontations between the opposing groups. Individuals giving out resources (from PRI) are being referred to as "mapaches," or racoons, because they work throughout the night. One week ago, a PAN supporter's son was kidnapped, but managed to escape in a nearby town. The reason and kidnapper are unknown, but this has posed a further threat to anyone participating in the campaign. Myself and others close to the Moran family are not allowed to leave the house in the final days before elections because of the dangers involved.

Residents in search of "mapache" vehicles (from PRI) containing despensas and other resources.

Most residents in search of "mapaches" wear cloth over their faces to conceal their identity during raids.

A group waiting for "mapaches" to pass through an intersection outside Xilitla.

PAN supporters are given hats with the candidate's name during a march to the plaza.

Spectators watch the final speech given by Moran from a church 
window overlooking the plaza in Xilitla.

After the final speech in Xilitla's plaza, the crowd
followed Moran for one final march around the town. Hundreds
of residents from across the county came to support
Moran in Xilitla for the last day of the campaign.