
First 2 Weeks in Mexico

These photos were all taken during a variety of outings and adventures while living in Mexico for my first couple weeks. I have been on a traditional horse ride to celebrate the patron saint of Victoria, SLP ("cabalgata"), camping, dancing, and exploring with walks around different towns.



Xilitla March 12, 2012

Today I took a bus from Austin to Rio Verde, San Luis Potosi, Mx., then drove to
Xilitla, SLP. The trip took about 21 hours altogether. I will live here in Xilitla for at least
6 months, but the details are unclear for now. Unlike every other adventure with
my camera, I took only one picture during the trip down here. This is the way that I
would like to photograph from now on - taking only the pictures that I really like,
without overshooting. 

During my time here in Mexico, I hope to get down to the very core of photography
for myself - I want my photos to be uninhibited, instinctive, natural. 


Final Days in Austin

I am moving to Xilitla, San Luis Potosi, Mexico early March. 
Here are some photos from my last days in Austin. 

Texas Land & Cattle

Tejano Dance for Conjunto Festival


Prague, Budapest

The following images were taken during a 6-week photography program in Prague, 
Czech Republic with The University of Texas in 2009. This was the first time I had the 
opportunity to explore new places on my own with photography. I learned about light, 
exposure, timing and awareness during this time. 
Photographers who influenced me then, and continue to inspire me now - 
Alex Webb, Eli Reed, Martin Parr, Constantine Manos, Peter Franklin.

Prague, Czech Republic

Budapest, Hungary